Intentional living

Summer snow

It’s snowing in my backyard. The white fluffy petals tickle my nose. It smells nice. Nothing like those pesky squirrels. I don’t like how they smell…or how they look at me from their perch on top of the fence. It’s my turf. It’s Caramel territory.

About this snow. I was a bit startled. Not bad startled like when a raccoon walks along the fence. More curiously startled like when small birds rustle in the bushes. I needed to sniff around. Investigate quietly. Sniff, Sniff. No barking or growling.

It turns out the “snowflakes” are blossoms. Tiny white blossoms falling from the big tree.


I am not ready for winter. The days are too short. Real snow is cold on my paws.

I love to stay outside as much as I can in warm weather. It’s easier to guard my territory. I can keep an eye on the squirrels. If I am inside they are out of control. They hop off the fence. They run on the lawn. On MY TURF. The nerve.

Because it’s bright out I can stay outside longer. My family does not let me stay out when it gets dark. I got sprayed by a skunk in the evening once. It was smelly. Rotten smelly. I got over it. They did not.

So when my family calls, “Caramel! Come!” I go inside the house. I am obedient. But I walk very slowly to let them know I am not happy about it. I mean, they should come outside with me. It’s a nice evening. No skunks in sight.

The blossoms stick to my hair so I bring some inside with me. A good shake and they fall off. Shake, Shake. Now they are all over the house for my family to enjoy.

Thank goodness the “snowflakes” are not a sign of winter. I will savour every moment of summer. The cool grass. The warm sun. The long days. The smell of freshly cut grass.

Summer is gone before you know it. Don’t miss a moment.

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