Europe 1992 journal
1992 Europe Travel Journal

Switzerland notables

A very good friend of mine is a master at creating “top 10” lists. She has a wonderful way of summing up a whole year with a list of ten notables. I am going to take a page from her book (or annual seasonal address) and sum up our foray through Switzerland with 10 highlights (in no particular order).

  1. Bern, even in the rain, such a darling city
  2. Eating Toblerone in Bern, somehow tasting even better standing on Swiss soil
  3. Raclette lunch in Neuchâtel, perhaps even better than our raclette party back home
  4. Swiss yogurt – so good, so creamy, so many different flavours
  5. Cozy thick duvets in Swiss hostels, very luxurious
  6. Abruptly awakened by ringing bells at Swiss hostels (otherwise it would have been difficult to extract ourselves from under said duvets)
  7. Mirror maze in Luzerne – weird, hilarious and just plain fun
  8. Drooling at fancy cars and watches in Zurich
  9. Balmer’s hostel in Interlaken, a backpacker haven amidst gorgeous alpine scenery
  10. Swiss trains really run on time, to the second

This is one entry from my 1992 European backpacking trip with my friend Sarah. If you want to start at the beginning, please check out The journey starts in Nice.

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