Intentional living

Canine University

I don’t like to brag. I don’t want to make a lot of noise, or howl, or stick out my chest (except for a belly rub). But listen up. I know things. Life affirming type of things.

You may have heard that having a dog can make you happy. Do you know why? I do. I live by it.

It’s me Caramel. You haven’t heard from me in a while. Sorry about that. I would say I have been busy, but that’s not true. I’ve just been living. Quite happily. This is why it’s best if I take over today’s post: how dogs make you happy.

For starters, I will get you off the couch and into your sneakers. Exercise is fun. It’s good for you. Plus, if we go for a walk together, people always want to pet me or talk about me. Let’s face it, you’re more interesting with me by my side. I’m social. ADORABLE. And very well trained. Oh, oh, give me a high five. I love high fives!

Which brings me to another important lesson that dogs embody. Being present. If I have a stick in my mouth, that’s all I need. I bounce along, shake my head and play play play. I’m all in. Totally focused on my stick. “Oh that’s a happy dog,” I hear people around me say. Yes, try it! Go find your stick.

I am very good at using all my senses. With my nose down on the trail I can follow with great precision a bunny path. I love the feeling of rolling in the grass. If I find a sunny spot, I don’t hesitate to stretch out and enjoy the warm feeling. My hearing is fantastic. Do I hear a cereal box opening? Hang on, I’ll be right back. It’s a tasty treat.

My owners are great. Most of the time. Other times they need a nudge. I see them a lot on these glowing screens. I have to nudge their hand or elbow with my soft furry head to force them to look up. Look at me! They don’t always appreciate it but it’s for their own good, their happiness. I know best.

If you don’t believe me, you can hear more about Canine University and what it is dogs do to make you happier on the The Happiness Lab podcast. I haven’t figured out how to make a podcast yet.

I’m having too much fun with my stick.


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