Intentional living

International Day of Happiness

At my former office, I was fortunate to have a lovely colleague who would bring in goodies to celebrate different occasions. Throughout the year, we enjoyed treats and impromptu social gatherings in the kitchen for celebrations like Saint Patrick’s day and fun food days like World Cupcake Day or World Samosa Day. I discovered occasions I did not know existed.

While I had my head down commuting to work, she was cooking up ways to brighten our day at the office. She is one of the kindest people I know.

When she left our division to move to another position, there was a void. Not only related to yummy food, but her cheerful and kindhearted spirit.

These sort of kind gestures at work do not come so naturally to me. But she inspired me. I discovered International Day of Happiness the year she left our office (I think it coincided with reading the Little Book of Hygge). It was probably the first time I used the internal distribution list for a “non-work” matter. I wished everyone at the office a happy International Day of Happiness and notified them there were treats in the kitchen to accompany their morning coffee.

Today, March 20, is International Day of Happiness. When this day comes along, I think of my friend and the happiness she spreads. (I have never seen an office cubicle more decorated from birthday or holiday cards than hers – a true reflection of how many friends she has!)

For this year, Action for Happiness is spreading the message of Keep Calm, Stay Wise & Be Kind. They have published a 30 day Coping Calendar. If you have the app you can get friendly daily nudges. The calendar is full of great ideas we can all use to take care of ourselves and each other and keep a positive attitude in this time of uncertainty.

I am going to start with item 27, thanking my friend I am grateful for her kindness.

Keep Calm • Stay Wise • Be Kind
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