Intentional living,  Local explorations

My name is Scilla

Early spring blooms are starting to show their cheerful faces. Bright sunny daffodils, tiny crocuses, and delicate snowdrops to name a few. It’s still too early for the emblematic trilliums to blanket the forest floor. This will come soon. In the meantime I have been enjoying the masses of little purple flowers sweeping across grassy areas. A pop of brilliant colour shimmering in the green. Except every year I forget the name of this amethyst jewel.


Siberian squill is another name for this flower that grows from tiny bulbs each spring and multiplies easily.

Cobalt blue petals hang from slender stems like a tiny umbrella.

Inching up mere 4 inches scilla practically blends in with the blades of grass.

Light and sunshine coax these purple blooms from the frozen earth.

Long lasting these ephemerals are not, flowering for only a couple weeks.

April is show time for scilla so enjoy them now before the curtain retreats until next year.

Next year I will remember your name. Scilla.


  • Linda Ploen

    Yesterday, I saw a large beautiful patch of these little “amthyest jewels” beside Appleby Creek near Spruce Avenue. Now I can call them by name. Thank you, Andrea!

    • Andrea_bruce

      Hi Linda, thanks for sharing! It is quite marvelous when you find a big patch of these little purple jewels.

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