Intentional living

Whole-hearted Caramel

I love to go for walks. The scent of squirrel in the air, grass to tickle my paws, sticks to pick up. So many things get me excited to bounce out the front door. There’s also a practical necessity for a walk but we don’t need to go there. TMI.

Do you know one big reason I love walks? If you have ever met me on the street, you do.

I LOVE people.

My tail wags vigorously when I see a nice two legged person. My tail does not lie. This is not pretend joy. It comes from my heart. Tail wagging lets them know I am happy. Friendly. It’s part of my charm.

If my leash allows, I will get close to them. I like to curl my body up, nice and small, and spin around and around. It generally gets their attention. I then nuzzle my back up against their two legs.

Hello nice person, I’m right here, just look down.

At this close proximity it’s quite a temptation for the human to scratch my back. I won’t lie, I like to make it easy for them.

If they decide to ruffle my hair, I will lean into it. Oh, that feels nice. If they stop too fast, I nudge their hand with my the top of my nose. I encourage them to keep it up. My hair is very soft. They like it too.

You may ask, what if I am ignored?

There is no certainty, I know. If curling up to their legs does not work, I have another pose. I sit in front of them and lift my head so they can see my eyes. I tilt my head in that way that let’s know I am listening. If one of my ears happens to flip back, so be it.

Hello nice person, I am here when you’re ready.

I wait. And wait. I have time.

Still, they may OR may not pat my head. It’s not a perfect system. I can’t predict everything. Some people walk away without returning my affection.

You may ask, does this make me sad?

Sad? I don’t get sad. Ok, maybe there is one thing.

But a person ignoring me when I am so clearly adorable? I am ok. My tail keeps on wagging. A little rejection every once in a while is worth it for the chance at ear scratches, belly rubs and hearing “oh, aren’t you a cute doggie” in that soft silly voice people use when they see me.

A cute doggie. Indeed.

I am well aware. Still, it’s nice to hear. I do not tire.

If I don’t make the first move, I may never hear those sweet words. Or ever get a tickle under my chin. I love connecting with people. It makes me happy. And the people happy. That’s what it’s all about.

Note: If you’d like to hear from an expert other than Caramel on being wholehearted, check out Brené Brown’s TED talk on the Power of Vulnerability.


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