Intentional living,  Travel stories

Go with love

The first stop on the French Way of the Camino de Santiago is Roncesvalles. It feels momentous to arrive in this small village. You’ve made it over the Pyrenees, left France behind and arrived in Spain. It’s Buenos Dias and Buen Camino from here on out. Another momentous occasion in Roncesvalles is the pilgrims mass in Iglesia de La Colegiata de Santa Maria. This intimate gothic church has exquisite stain glass and fantastic acoustics.

The church fills with locals and eager pilgrims from all over the world embarking on the 800 km walk to Santiago de Compostela.

Pilgrims may set out from home on an individual journey but quickly become part of a community. It’s at the pilgrims blessing in Roncesvalles that I was first struck with this feeling. The priest asked pilgrims to come forward to the front of the church. We exited our pews and gathered in front of him. He talked of the journey ahead. He spoke of the community spirit of the pilgrimage. We each have our own problems and challenges and here on the Camino he urged us to support each other and work through them together.

Go with love in your hearts, he said.

Love for people you know and don’t know. For people you have things in common with and don’t. For people near and far.

Lessons from the Camino are also lessons for daily life. That’s the beauty of the Camino. It doesn’t end on the trail.

I found the above heart design on my local Bronte Beach. Someone, unknown to me, had carefully shaped the heart from lake stones. A nice reminder to keep love in my heart everyday and to spread this feeling to others.

Sending you love and warm wishes for the holidays and into the new year. Go with love in your hearts.

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